Monday 5 February 2007

Progre$$ Report (Karina)

theres beeen alot of work dun within the group recently..we've got some footage to show for tuesdays lesson. on saturday we went 2 central early in the first it was jus me,pardeep and dipz..we got some shots of shop names etc..we had difficulty actually filming from inside the shop as we need concent from the brands head office..which would take up alot of our time..but i think its worth actually gettin concent from at least one of the shops so we can film inside one of them..dipz had to go 2 work after but then simran came and we took a few more shots..we got some good stuff on crowds as central was a bit busy..but not as busy as we had hoped.

today in ealing we hoped to get some voxpops done but there wasnt anyone really around at the time we went...we went afterskool so we had a bit of a fallback...we still got a bit of filming done tho and at least we know for next time the right time to go there...were going to be goin to uxbridge afterskool on thursday as the shopping centre closes late so there should be a suitable amount of crowds there for us to do some filming and voxpops

on saturday hopefully we'll b going to pardeeps sisters uni to film one of our main characters which would cover most of our footage we neeed by then :)

i still yet have to analyse 3 film documentaries relating to our own documentary but that will be completed shortly..i just need to get it done at someones yard as my u tube dnt work...but i willl do it i promise :) xXxKaRiNaxXx

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