Tuesday, 13 February 2007

xX..BlOg cOmMeNtS N ThAAaAaAA..Xx
1. What do you think of our blog?
What do you particularly like about it? What's especially impressive?
What could be improved? What's missing or could be added?

2. Based on what you've read on the blog (and maybe seen in test screenings in class) what suggestions do you have regarding what we could do to make our Practical Production really successful?

What other things could we include in the production?
How should we go about filming any remaining scenes or editing the footage during post-production (+ suggestions for music, etc.)?


Islamophobia said...

1. Your blog is really cool,I like the colours you have used they are really attractive, it makes your blog look really colourful, another thing that i liked was the updates you had in your blog, like what you are doing/are hoping to do.

.What I personally like about your blog is the idea on what your documentray is about, and the amount of research you lot have gathered.It backs up the idea on what your doing.
2. Some of the stuff that you can add in your blog are pictures of evidence where you have been.

.From the test sceening i saw in lesson, alot of your shots were EXCELLENT! But one thing i would advice you to do is, either zoom in or out, and try to use a tripod to get a steady shot, and why not do a vox pox.
.Overall, for the post-production i think you should have a female voiceover, as it best suits the topic you are doing.Also try and get as many shots as you can, for example high angle shots and low angle shots and so on.

overall your work is coming on really good, can't wait to see the final piece! GOOD LUCK1

Xx NaziyaXx

The Morea's said...

1. I like the format of your blog and the colours used as it looks attractive. I also liked the fact that u have all posted up pics of yourselves.

I think that you could add more research which would help u with your production and provide you with more ideas

2. For the post production you could use a varitey of close ups of people being interviewed and use a catchy soundtrack that would prove appealing to the female genre


Karandeep said...

sick blog propa lively n dat with da colours n stuff..everythin up 2 date which shows u no wah ur doin.
Shud put some more detail into it and some more research.
AND dipz looks like a monkey in hur pic lollllllll


Islamophobia said...

1.I think your blog is really eyecatching due to it being really colourful. I also like the different types of research you have carried e.g. '10Years Younger' as it is informing.

2. On your blog you could stick up photographs to the places that you've visited for yor filming, as it would be interesting to see the variety of places that you've visited.

3. In your practical production i think you should use a range of different shots for example a 'Point Of View' shot.

4.For the final stages of your production i think you should add a variety of both parellel and contrapuntel music. Also i think that some of your shots are a bit shakey and so you should maybe use a tripod.


The Morea's said...

your blog looks really nice, with bright colours which are evry attractive, with up to date news and lot of research made and well explanations, the good thing in the blog is when u put up ur pics on the blog, to know who is involved in the production.
i really like the topic that u chose to use as a documentary, it's a really big topic shopping which is mostly associated with women, but it is a good idea to show that men are also associated with shopping.
i havent seen ur test screening
but form ur progress reports we can see what ur up to, i think you're doing well. i might suggest that u can go to a shopping place somewhere in central london like oxford st, you will get a lot of people shopping there and you might do other vox pops and u will get a lot.
i havent see the footage but if when doing the vox pops u might close up on the person's face, and ask people from different ages teenagers to more older people and see which one shop a lot.
hope it's helpful
gd luck for editing...

Its A Womans World said...

WeLlL so far so0o goo0odd ladies!
Blogs looks wikid! very appealing with them picturesssss lol POSERS( ehem ehem simran) yeah apart from the progree reports additional research of your production should be posted up... try getting some footage in it and some detailed analysis!

AND DONT BUNK SKOOL AGEN!( even though english was fun wivout u 2 :P)
yeah so0o keep it up gurlyss
xXx BaZzA xXx

Athar Mahmood said...

1. hmm luks interesting...n kinda mad...lyk bre hyper :S
u lot ave dun alot of research and analysis...luks gud. maybe explain what you have dun a bit mre den wt u cudnt get dun (cuzza da weather...)

2. well i havent cn ur footage but from what ive seen on the blog, the idea seems original and interesting. the thing is that these vox pop things are sooooooo common now try and only put that in if its absolutely neccessary :S

3. i duno...you can do alot with the topic you've picked so u lot probably no best what 2 do and what not to do.

kl ...zainab...

Eating disorder said...

* I think that your blog looks good and you have chosen the right colours. Also I like the re search that you have done - the posts from Youtube

* think that you could post some footage onto the blog as your topic seems interesting also what kind of music you hope to use. Also try adding more photos of places you have visited

* Maybe not to use too many vox pops as they are realii common and its something most groups use

.. neema

vishna_solanki said...


1. The blog is really colourful which just makes it that little bit more interesting to read... I like the way you are constantly updating the blog with recent articles becuase it shows that the content in you documentary will be quite up to date.

I think it would also be a good idea to show some clips of you filming becuase it would allow you to recieve feedback on the actual filming.

2. Definately have a female voice over! And i think you should pay close attention to your music... tracks like 'independant woman' will definately reinforce your documenary's message well!


The Rose Mob said...

The range of research is quite good. I think you could show a lot more research in terms of videos.

Try to use the tripod as much as possible. Also, some of your shots were a bit vague, where you showed 10 banners of the same sale sign. Perhaps you could show a range of different signs, and locations too.

Try to get as many interviews as possible, even if you don't use them it's good to have a range of videos to choose from. Get a range of opinions from different age groups, gender, social class etc.


Kirandeep said...

1. This is looking good so far you guys have recorded what you been doing which shows how much work you have all put in to it

2. Some things which you might want to include is what you have done so far so you can get feedback of that

Overall, good luck with the rest cant wait to see final thing

x Wild disorder x said...

* OooO your blog look really good with all the attractive colours which have been used, the blog seem very detailed as you have analysed other documentaries.

* The best thing that i really like about your blog was how u just didn’t analyse professional documentaries but you analysed 'lost in reflection' which is a good use to you.

* From your test screening i like the different types of shots you used, however i think that the voice over should be a female voice as this will challenge the stereotype of male voice over and will fit well with your production.

* When choosing your music tend not to choose recent songs as your documentary will loose its effect, therefore try to get music which relates to your production.

* Overall, I’m looking forward to see the final piece good luck...

x Hardy x

Kunal said...

I like the slant that you are taking on this topic… i.e. how banks take advantage… seems really interesting and can’t wait to see how your production turns out! You’ve got a lot of regular posts up of progress reports which are good as it shows that you’re committed to your project and that it’s coming along well. You could maybe include a little more evaluation to your progress reports so that it is more beneficial to you as a group. Also try and post up some footage so that others can see how your project is progressing.

I think its good that you’re focussing on one uni student as that will help your documentary to look more emotive as the audience starts to identify with the character. Try to use fast editing to firstly appeal to your teenage target audience and also emphasise how consumption and the media is getting much more influential. The fast editing will make it seem out of control… does that make sense? Erm… in terms of music if you use a popular song it could represent commercialism which would link directly to your doc… how about More money more problems – Biggee?

Good luck with everything and well done…


The Rose Mob said...

Your blogs uh, very colourful. I see a lot of progress reports but not enough research.

Avoid being typical with your selection of music. Work around the idea of following your uni student around, it'll enable you to create a narrative. Remember to use archive footage if you really are looking to challenge stereotypes; archive footage will provide the best basis for your arguement.

- Aman

Its A Womans World said...

i like ur bright and cheerful blog uits better with the pictures of u lot because we know whose involved in the prodction.i like the generaal keeping us up to date and informing us on what u've done without having to be asked to do so hby mr.bush-profgress reports.
Try to go to malls were u are allowed to recrod and on bbc3 there are aome good documentaries on shopa holics aswell as shows like trisha.chek that out.
overall good work gurls.Good luk
Amrit x

Eating disorder said...

This blog seems to be coming along very well....got alot of good info just make sure that you add more detail!

your pics luk gr8 lol!
you've got alot of interesting images!!

keep up the good work!

aLL foR a BoY said...

* Your blog looks really bright amd colourful. I like the use of colours!!
Your topic on shopping is good. People need to know just how much one person can spend to make themselves look good!
You can show that you are all constantly aiming to keep you blog updated which is good! It shows how you are keeping everything up to date.
*You should include a few still images from your footage so far or even images from magazines which will help put a clearer message out of the purpose...
*For post production you should consider using maybe contrapuntal music which comes across as hard hitting and use some still images to go with that..

Good luck for post production..Hope everything goes well...


Kunal said...

Your blog looks really good and the topic of your documentary is great! I like all the progress reports up there-shows you've done a lot of work.
Nice idea to use a uni student throughout your doc as the audience will be able to relate to her and identifiy woth her. You should have arranged more than 1 uni student in case the first couldnt make it-try asking any of your mates who have sisters in uni.Include other things in your doc instead of vox pops...such as an fashion/beauty expert or someone in the media. When editing, make sure it has a very fast pace to it and some loud, recent music in order to make it appeal to your audience.
Good stuff so far n Good luck for the rest


x Wild disorder x said...

your blogs is good, good use of colours and fonts...beside that your research is really intersting..i honestly thought it was going to be a gurly documentary foccusing on shopping well i got that wrong and it seems really good...i want to watch the finished work!!

Add some pictures that will make your work look effective.

i didnt see any test screening so i dont know much about your footage.


Karandeep said...

1. Your blogs eyecatching and stands out, which makes it look attractive to your target audience. You've analysed quite a lot of texts regarding your topic which will help educate your audience a lot more about your chosen topic. To improve the blog maybe you could add small clips of footage you have done so far.

2.Use a variety of shots and stuff, but avoid zooming in and out, makes it look amateur.


Athar Mahmood said...

1. ummm yhh your blogs eye catching...the colours are nice n bright... n the pikz r a good touch. you got some reseach up there sooo thats good.

2.you could add pictures and vedios of your reseach. your ideas are interesting...but make sure you dont over do the vox pop thing...

good luck guys..


Athar Mahmood said...

o0o your blog looks good so farr - the colours and pictures but you could add more research to make it look even better..

you could use different shots when you're filming.. other than that everything else seems good..


x Wild disorder x said...


1 Ur blog luks wiked v attractive, im liking the colours you have used... also the D&G advert and the post about how much that person spends on her child.. V relevent to ur topic

2. I liked the shots u managed to achieve, try to get a variety of different shops/logos/signs,
research and get clips of celebrities who over spend i.e paris Hilton.. you could make a montage out of it with parallel music in the back
.. start fiding suitable soundtracks!

Gud luck... Jalna Xx !!

Kunal said...

your blog looks really good, the use of colour is appropriate and i like the images which you have used. i can see that you have conducted alot of research and i can not wait to see the end product. the idea itself is pretty good which i think will make your production even better.

try and go to a busy setting such as central london oxford circus and that to get some good vox pops. i havent seen your footage but from what i have seen on the blog it looks really good.

keep up the good work


The Morea's said...

Your blog is very interesting and has alot of research in it. You've given alot of information on your production which is very useful but I think that you guys maybe should add some pictures of your own footage to make it a little bit more informing. The layout of your blog is very good and I think that it matches your subject very well.


aLL foR a BoY said...

yourblog is looking really good, i like the colours used very eyecatching. i also like the fact that you got pictures up of yourselves. i think you should put more pictures of what you have done so far.a bit more research done as well.
for post production i think you should use parallel or contrapuntal music and a female voice over.

Kirandeep said...

Your blogs looking great, very informative and attractive. The research is also well done and interesting


Chintan said...

1. Your blog is up-to-date and very, very lively. Lots of progress reports showing effort and commitment towards the production.

2. One thing I've noticed is that alot of the blog is done by mostly Pardeep and Simran,Dips and Karina need to contribute more to the blog. Afterall the production is a team effort. Also footage of what you've done so far can be included.

3. A voiceover, male or female can work, should be used for this production as it will make it more professional.

4. Voiceover, and maybe a song that would suit this topic

Final Beat said...

1. Your blog really stands out, and I think it’s a good blog because you have done a lot of progress reports and every thing is up to date.
2. To improve, I think you could do some more research on the documentary genre you are using, and perhaps if you can, embed some of the footage you looked at from you tube.
3. From what I saw in your test screening, your work looks good, but maybe you could have a presenter or a main protagonist that introduces the argues and the different sections in the documentary, like Michael Moore.
4. In the post production, you could add a very clever montage sequence of shops, and even archive footage of different trends and how that affected people.

sundeep kahlon

The Rose Mob said...

the blog is cool and stands out has lots of pics and stuff. i would like to see some moving image research as well and practical production clips.

use vox pops and steady shots twice so you won't have to worry about damaged footage. get lots oif interviews and pics of places you've visited

jas 12b

Final Beat said...

1. i think your blog great, good use of pics and its great that you all work together. i like the colour use f black makes more things stand out. i have no comment but jus too keep it up for improvements

2. the imformation on the blog is great including the reasrech, i think you should add more imformation and add pics of clothes to suit the story.

3. The thing i dont' like is that I WORD IS SWEAR DOWN SOOO PARDEEP MOVEEEEEE!!! he he and that i hope you have accomplished your aimed over the holidays.

RaJ.Es (FiNaL BeAt)