Sunday, 25 February 2007

test screening

For this first section, go through all your test screening feedback sheets and come up with an average grade for each aspect of MCCAT (the assessment objectives; what will ultimately determine your grade) based on these returns...
Media Language=
Conventions= B
Creativity= B
Attention to Detail= B
Technical Proficiency= C
Then make a list of all the positive comments you received on your forms, ideally breaking them down into the different areas the class were asked to concentrate on...
(cinematography?) GOOD HIGH ANGLE SHOTS
(mise en scene?) GOOD LOCATION-BUSY
(sound?) NO SOUND
(conventions? matching audience?) TARGETS AUDIENCE WELL

Next, focus on any constructive criticism you received in the feedback, under the same headings as for the previous section...
(cinematography?) SHOTS TOO SHAKY-USE TRIPOD
(mise en scene?) THINGS IN THE WAY OF SHOTS
(lighting?) NOTHING
(sound?) ADD SOUND
(conventions? matching audience?) NOTHING
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, write up the suggestions and ideas about how to improve and what else could be added...
What else would you (or the target audience) like to see in this production? (scenes? sequences?) VOX POPS AND STEADY SHOTS
Suggestions for post-production/editing (music? voiceover? cutaways? montage? cross cutting? titles? slo-mo?)USE VAREITY OF MUSIC-TRY 'FISH GO DEEP'

Pardeep and Simran

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