Tuesday, 27 February 2007
PrOgReSs RePoRt....
Sunday, 25 February 2007
Progress report
So far this week, we've hardly had any group meetings at all. I've mostly just done some independent work-as we changed the storyboard, I've planned the opening again and come up with a few back up plans just in case it doesn't work- as the montage sequence maybe too complex to do. This week, I mainly focused on what will be used. Things I have achieved this week:
Next week:
Pardeep |
Fridays wrk (Pardeep)
On Friday, I went to Harrow and decided to do some filming. This was difficult as there were security people everywhere but i still managed to get some useful footage. I was aiming to get:
I think i managed to get all these things and although at points the footage is shaky, there are some useful bits which can be put in our doc. As it was a Friday, it was quite crowded so overall, it went well :) |
test screening
For this first section, go through all your test screening feedback sheets and come up with an average grade for each aspect of MCCAT (the assessment objectives; what will ultimately determine your grade) based on these returns...
Media Language=B
Conventions= B
Creativity= B
Attention to Detail= B
Technical Proficiency= C
Then make a list of all the positive comments you received on your forms, ideally breaking them down into the different areas the class were asked to concentrate on...
(cinematography?) GOOD HIGH ANGLE SHOTS
(mise en scene?) GOOD LOCATION-BUSY
(sound?) NO SOUND
(conventions? matching audience?) TARGETS AUDIENCE WELL
Next, focus on any constructive criticism you received in the feedback, under the same headings as for the previous section...
(cinematography?) SHOTS TOO SHAKY-USE TRIPOD
(mise en scene?) THINGS IN THE WAY OF SHOTS
(lighting?) NOTHING
(sound?) ADD SOUND
(conventions? matching audience?) NOTHING
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, write up the suggestions and ideas about how to improve and what else could be added...
What else would you (or the target audience) like to see in this production? (scenes? sequences?) VOX POPS AND STEADY SHOTS
Suggestions for post-production/editing (music? voiceover? cutaways? montage? cross cutting? titles? slo-mo?)USE VAREITY OF MUSIC-TRY 'FISH GO DEEP'
Pardeep and Simran
progress report (simran)
next week..
we are going to have a group meeting..things have to be discussed as a whole group!! and also the editing has to be sorted out, so we know how much time we have and how fast we'r going to have to work...and also make time so everyone shares the editing equally!!
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
Progress Report (pardeep)
Last week
Half Term during half term, we plan to just get as much footage and to film more crowds.We will go bond street again and any other shopping place to get more vox pops. We also need to get our professional and if we are unable to get one by thie half term, as soon as we get back to school, we will use a teacher. |
Wednesday's wrk (pardeep)
Me and Simran went to East London to Queen Mary’s and filmed our uni student. I think it went better than expected as the uni student is a really good actress. We filmed in her room- which is appropriate as it makes it realistic. Also, she shows all her clothes and generally just talks about her loan and credit card. She portrays herself as carefree and as someone who doesn’t think about the consequences. This was the main part of our documentary, and we were having difficulties arranging the time so I’m really glad we went and got it over and done with. Also, we did another vox pop- but the sound didn’t come so that was sort of useless but after Simran left I found another uni student who did a very detailed interview and we considered every aspect- for example we stuck a poster of who she views as a role model and this helped to put our point across. |
Thursday's wrk (pardeep)
Me and Simran went to Uxbridge to get some vox pops done and to film some crowds etc. Unfortunately, we found out that we are not allowed to film inside shopping centres without permission and even though we went to their office thing, we were told that we are not allowed, so this proved to be a problem as our doc is on shopping and we need to use shopping centres. On the bright side, we did get some vox pops done which we will probably use as they are really good and useful. |
Thursday, 15 February 2007
quick note-IMPORTANT
also karina u need to fin all the research...simran
progress report...(simran)
Me n pardi went to east london (actually got into alot of trouble for it bcuz we bunked of our day without permission...SO PLS DNT DO IT!!!...but it was only cuz we needed to interview our uni student and dis was da only day she was free b4 she went back home for half term)...we successfully got the footage we needed of the uni student (she was really good) and pardi got a vox pop from another student who gave a realli detailed 2-3 min interview...!!! it was worth taking the day of as we'v nearly got all of our footage (yeay) so this week we'v mamanged to fin most of our main footage...and complete a story board (which was done in thusrdays period 3-4)
half term week...
(im working for all of the week 9-5) so unfortunately i wont b involved in any daytime filming...im realli sowi bout that but i cant ake of any time... :(
half term week..group...goin to go back into central bcuz its half term so ders goin to be more crowds.. and film crowds using the tripod this time...also aim to find 2 males doin vox pop then we will have enough to choose from..!! also start planning the voice over..(SiMrAn)xxx
Tuesday, 13 February 2007
1. What do you think of our blog?
What do you particularly like about it? What's especially impressive?
What could be improved? What's missing or could be added?
2. Based on what you've read on the blog (and maybe seen in test screenings in class) what suggestions do you have regarding what we could do to make our Practical Production really successful?
What other things could we include in the production?
How should we go about filming any remaining scenes or editing the footage during post-production (+ suggestions for music, etc.)?
uni student
Friday, 9 February 2007
todaii's work
Thursday, 8 February 2007

I spend up to £3,000 a month on clothes. I particularly love Louis Vuitton and have just bought a pair of beige trousers decorated with their logo for £400. When I was in Dublin a few weeks ago for a club opening, I splashed out £700 on a pair of shoes and boots from Gucci, an £800 Dior bag plus £200 sunglasses, and a belt which I thought was a bargain for £120.(Lol.. dis chik is mad...bargain yeh? lol....i veiwed this article on a website called...........
this week...(simran)
Monday, 5 February 2007
Progre$$ Report (Karina)
today in ealing we hoped to get some voxpops done but there wasnt anyone really around at the time we went...we went afterskool so we had a bit of a fallback...we still got a bit of filming done tho and at least we know for next time the right time to go there...were going to be goin to uxbridge afterskool on thursday as the shopping centre closes late so there should be a suitable amount of crowds there for us to do some filming and voxpops
on saturday hopefully we'll b going to pardeeps sisters uni to film one of our main characters which would cover most of our footage we neeed by then :)
i still yet have to analyse 3 film documentaries relating to our own documentary but that will be completed shortly..i just need to get it done at someones yard as my u tube dnt work...but i willl do it i promise :) xXxKaRiNaxXx
Sunday, 4 February 2007
Outline of the following week (Pardeep)
We are plannig to:
we also need to get permission to film inside a shop Hopfully all will go well |
Progress Report (Pardeep)
So far, I have analysed 3 texts as part of my research. The text that I’ve looked at are:
- Lost In A Reflection
- Bowling For Columbine
- A Consumer Society
I’ve also looked at the D&G time advert as we will be using it in our documentary along with the Gap advert (which I still need to post up).
As a Group we have:
- arranged a time to meet our uni student
- we’ve had meeting to discuss our documentary and to pull our ideas together
- we’ve managed to get our storyboard together (which needs to be posted up) but it isn’t still completed
- on the 30th- me, Simi and Kareina went Hounslow to check out what we can use
- on the 3rd- all 4 of us went central and got some filming done
So far, i think we've made alot of progress and we 've also planned out what we are doing the week that's coming up :)
3rd feb...(SiMrAn)
Our first filmin session went reali good...we had t fit it around 2 of the group memebers (me n dips) being at work...so dips was der in da mornin n i came in da afternoon..!! the footage that pardi n karina got was realli good..cuz they filmed from a window..and got a high angle shot of crowds of people..suprsingly one of the biggest let downs was dat CENTRAL wasnt very bizzii 4 some reason...n da fact that we wernt able to film inside shops..however the footage that we did get was good...bcuz it will b used in our montage sequences...!!!
after school the whole group are going to ealing..this is to again film crowds bcuz ealing is full of students (ealing college) and also its always bizzi cuz of ealing broadway staion...!! this is when we hope to get atleast 3 vox pops 4 our docu...this will b the main focus 4 the evening..aswel as extra footage!!!
after school...again the whole group will go to brent cross/kingston...(btw quick note to group-im reali sowii cld we change dis t kingston i was thinkin of a kingston not brent cross bit of a mix up...cuz kingstons soooo much bigger n we can get so many high n low angle shots from der) this will give us a chance to mess around with shots figuring which wld go best wiv our approach to our docu...we want females to look vulnearable so mayb interviewin felames from a specific shot will potray our view better...
we will still b focusin on our vox pops...as we r not certain if the 1s we take will b used..so we need a few (8-10) so we can choose da best 1s...we will b going to uxbrde...to hopefulli get the last bits of our footage..again dis is a good spot t film at cuz of da college...!!
we will be going to east london as a group...to film our main character in her uni environment...this has alreadi been discused wiv da student...after this is done..more of the filming will b finished...this bit is very important...so in thusrdaiis lesson../fri we will plan exaclty how we want the female to look..or in wt way we want t portray her..we want the whole sequence to look as natrual as possible...so questions asked wont b too structured..
Saturday, 3 February 2007
Todays work-3rd (Pardeep)
Today all four of us went bond street and oxford circus to start doing some serious filming. We got up soooooo early and by the end when i got home i was soooo tired but it was defiantly worth it!!:) what we wanted to achieve was:
we successfully managed to get our crowds from different angles, especially high angles looking down and we got many shop names.
Friday, 2 February 2007
D&G (Pardeep)
For our montage sequence, either the one in the beginning or the end, I think we should use this advert as its very influencing- Simi and Dipz said they want to buy it which proves my point:) I think this advert proves our point because it doesn’t just promote and persuade us to buy the watch, in a sense it promotes this glamorous lifestyle and in order to obtain this desirable lifestyle (which is almost as good as a celebrity‘s life) we NEED the watch.
In our documentary, we focus on how the media influences us to consume, so this advert is useful. Despite the fact that it is unrealistic and the perfect lifestyle portrayed is unachievable, we as the audience cant help but get sucked up into the idea of getting this perfect flawless fun life.
Things that make it effective:
- its almost like a music video
- fact that people are climbing out of the frames
- females/males within the advert act as a sex object
- it all kinda flashes-like a pulse
- the split screen- can't explain what i mean but still..
- Also the music is parallel is completely appropriate-sounds wicked!!