Sunday, 28 January 2007

OuTLiNe On oUr dOcU...

"tHe lAvIsH LiFe"...we have posed a Q.."how does the media influence consumerism in young females..?" we have chosen to do a docu as it will allow us to explore our Q ANSWER it...n also educate..perhaps entertain our target audeinces...!! the documentary will follow usual conventions such as hand held camera for shaky effect...etc also will inform and educate using interviews ...voice-over...and montage sequences...

by using all of the above techniques and more we will ensure we have covered the docu conventions and also reach our aim of answering our question. we will be challenging the media...also using a female protagonist to capture life in debt at a young age (we have alreadi spoken to someone who has agreed to take the part)...this will only be for 1 min or so...we will also show all the diff things that lead us up to over spending such as banks who provide the money...n debt..n big icons such as madona...david beckham etc...

we have researched other documentaries linking to see what kind of things they have used to portray thier docu in certain ways...this will help us when editing and chosing footage to use! by analysing other documentaries...we have chosen loadsa features n key elements...dta will b used to show our humourous side and serious side..

the serious side will show the effects of consumerism and leave our audeinces thinking...however the funny bits will clam and ease the situations we bring up...having both things will make our docu successful...


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