Wednesday, 31 January 2007


I kno every1s got bare work t do...but try to prioritizzzeee media 4 a lil while just while we get da filmin dun...kwl...n week thursdayyy all of us r goin t plss keep it free!! & also memebr dat we'v got 2 free's tom...well me n pardii have got 3,4 n 5 we wer thinkin bout goin t film...(SiMrAn)

Consumer Society (Pardeep)

The text is a documentary named 'The Consumer Society' produced by media students (don't no where from though) and I think the target audience is the same as ours- females mainly- as most commercial target them more, yet also a male audience. The age group is about 16 onwards. This can be seen via the type of adverts used (e.g. the shampoo advert, the drink advert) and although it features a advert for children, I doubt its targeting kids as they don't understand the media and the issue being raised is beyond their understanding.
This documentary will probably be shown on the BBC,, as channel 4 is a commercial channel, therefore, it may feel threatened by this and so will the people who want their adverts appearing on channel 4. BBC doesn't advertise, so therefore it will most likely appear on that channel. As this documentary challenges people, the audience it's trying to attract usually watch TV from 8:00 onward- as this is when they come back form work of school etc. Therefore,
it will be shown about 9ish.
‘The Consumer Society’ uses
fade outs to move from one advert to another and it uses a variety of adverts- from hair shampoo to drinks to chocolate or whatever. It mainly just uses a lot of archive footage and it uses captions to pose questions. A montage is used (cuts are used) to summarise the point at the end and this helps to pull together what the filmmakers are trying to point out. This is then further reinforced by the question which appears on the screen: ‘Are you part of the consumer society?’
I think this is very effective as in a sense it forces the audience to think and become less passive.
The sound used in the beginning is rock, which can be seen as parallel, as it helps to reflect society’s attitude toward consumerism, (how everyone is crazily consuming without pausing to think about the consequences). This is used in the beginning and in the end. The rest of the music comes from the adverts.
Personally, I don’t think this documentary was that good, as it only uses archive footage and misses out on sooooooo much like: interviews, vox pops, a proper montage etc, (i think that our documentary is gonna be sooooo much better:)
However, we will borrow the idea of posing a serious question to make the audience think and question themselves.

Tuesday, 30 January 2007

TOdAi (30th jan) pardi..n karina went area huntin we cld find a good spot t film apart of our docu...we ended up in hounslow as it is usually busy n full of youths...linkin t our docuuu females..shoppin..n youths (",) we planned alot of our openin sequence and came up with sum reali good ideas...(so team WELL DUN) ha ha...we'v got da full outline of our docu now...BUT have decicded t change our title as its not dat catchy...thinkin along the lines of "Big Spender" sounds bit better...but we are reaadiii t start filming...we'v made alot of progress as a group as we'v realised dat we'v onli got a lil while till we have t start group well dun again..!!! anyhuuu...biii (SiMrAnxXx)

Today's Work-30th (pardeep)

Today me, Simran and Kareina went to check out the places we are considering to feature in our documentary. It went very well, as we finalised details on our storyboard and have planned the opening scene to the smallest detail. We have a general idea on what we want in the rest of the documentary but we have not planned details yet. Also, we’ve decided today that the main character- the uni student- we would like her to just act natural and real rather than act out to be something she is not (as for example, in Bullicide- although the documentary was very good, at times the main character was being unrealistic and over-dramatic), and we want our documentary to be as realistic as possible. The editing we do will help convey our point and we will construct it to portray her the way we want.
We also decided today that out title ’The Lavish Life’ is not appropriate for our documentary as it seems a bit dull :( and we want a more snappier title, so therefore we will be changing it as soon as someone comes up with something :)

Monday, 29 January 2007


yesterdaiii..(dats mondaii 29th jan) we got our camera' and pardi...stood in da que 4 over 45 mins waiting 4 da camera...n we thought it shldv have been a group thing...cuz now me n pardi kno how t use the camera n dips n karina dont!!! we are going out todaii as a group to check out a few of the settings we have alreadii thought about...n as wev got da cameras late...filming needs to be dun quickly so we can have the most time on out editing.....(SiMrAn)

Bowling For Columbine (Pardeep)

The text is a successful documentary- 'Bowling For Columbine' produced by Michael Moore (USA,2002) and although it is about the 2 students who went on a killing spree, it also tackles with issues such as gun crime, the media and how it creates fear resulting in more consumerism, racism and much more. It’s target audience is anyone who is anti- Bush and it also targets people who are generally more left wing (liberal view). This can be seen as Moore promotes his left wing views and also criticise Bush.
I think the documentary will be shown on a channel such as Channel 4, as Channel 4 is well known for its documentaries and often deals with controversial topics-compared to the BBC, as Britain supports America so therefore will not show a documentary which portrays it in a negative light. It will be shown at about 9:00 -after the watershed time, as it deals with controversial issues and does feature scenes which can be viewed as violent e.g. when showing American history. It’s about guns etc so its for a older audience.
The sound is contrapuntal during this scene and is ironic as the images are brutal and the music is ‘What a Wonderful World’. Also, the fact that some of the clips in this scene are black and white emphasises that it is the history- which is effective. Overall, a variety of shots are used, many cuts are used to move on to the next scene.
It uses all the typical conventions of documentaries to convey a point and some of these conventions are:

  • voiceover
  • montages
  • parallel and contrapuntal music
  • different modes: fly on the wall, expository, personal etc
  • cuts, close up’s to show emotion etc.

From this documentary, we will borrow the compression technique as we think its used very effectively when showing how easy it is to obtain a gun. Similarly, we will like to use it when showing a bank scene- instead we’ll show how easy it is to get your hands on a credit card.
Moreover, we want to show how people were without the credit card, and when it was introduced how people went crazy. For this we’ll use compression as our documentary is only about 10 minutes long.
We will also like to use
contrapuntal music to shock our audience and to create irony.

Sunday, 28 January 2007

soo far...

k...sooo a group we'v linked up around 3 times...which isnt alot..n me n pardi have realised that we need to catch up...we have taken mr bush's absence as a free period kinda we are behind!!!! HOWEVER..we intend to shape up n hurry up with the progress of our docu...we have prewwtty good ideas that just need to be planned to the tinyest details but the outline on the storyboard is finished..!! therefore we are readi to start filming..bit nervous as we havnt started filmin yet n we'v only got 2 weeks till half term.. :( also we need to learn how to use the equipment..

targets as a group:

1) 4 every1 to attend atleast 1 meeting a week ...
2) post progress or any info on da production..problems wa eva it is...on da regs
3) inform all group memebrs on changes that would like to be made...etc

in the following week we all need to sit down as a whole group and discuss when are where filming will take place...if u miss filming ul b MISSING OUT (BIG TIME) so try n forget bout outside stuff n focus 4 jus 2 weeks... (",) also start keeping track of every lil detail made...

note to all KEEP INDIVIDUAL LOGS...of all work completed cuz den we kno hu's workin n hu's not...also we'l kno if changes need to b made etc...

tke cre all...xXxSiMrAnxXx

OuTLiNe On oUr dOcU...

"tHe lAvIsH LiFe"...we have posed a Q.."how does the media influence consumerism in young females..?" we have chosen to do a docu as it will allow us to explore our Q ANSWER it...n also educate..perhaps entertain our target audeinces...!! the documentary will follow usual conventions such as hand held camera for shaky effect...etc also will inform and educate using interviews ...voice-over...and montage sequences...

by using all of the above techniques and more we will ensure we have covered the docu conventions and also reach our aim of answering our question. we will be challenging the media...also using a female protagonist to capture life in debt at a young age (we have alreadi spoken to someone who has agreed to take the part)...this will only be for 1 min or so...we will also show all the diff things that lead us up to over spending such as banks who provide the money...n debt..n big icons such as madona...david beckham etc...

we have researched other documentaries linking to see what kind of things they have used to portray thier docu in certain ways...this will help us when editing and chosing footage to use! by analysing other documentaries...we have chosen loadsa features n key elements...dta will b used to show our humourous side and serious side..

the serious side will show the effects of consumerism and leave our audeinces thinking...however the funny bits will clam and ease the situations we bring up...having both things will make our docu successful...


Research- Lost In A Reflection (Pardeep)

The text is a documentary produced by students in Greenford High and it is targeted at young females who are concerned about their image. This can be seen as it’s title ‘Lost In A Reflection’ is written in pink- a colour connoting femininity. Moreover, the main characters are female and the issue itself can be seen as a female issue. The documentary only shows females being obsessed with their image and the professionals shown often talk about how girls are concerned with their image. Moreover, the fact that the voiceover is a female also hints at the fact that the documentary has been produced to attract a female audience-particularly teenage girls-as the main characters are teenage girls- so the audience can identify with them.
The documentary can be shown on channel 4 at about 9:00 as at this time teenagers usually watch TV and channel 4 usually deals with serious issues.
The sound is very parallel and the editing done helps to sum up a point- for instance when the question is posed: ‘How do you define image obsession?’ cuts are used to help sum up what people in general think. This very effective as one answer links on to another- helping the documentary flow. Also, the types of shots used vary and are quite appropriate e.g. when Ruby is crying in the toilets, a close up shot is used to show emotion.
Some of the typical conventions it uses are:

  • shaky hand held camera- which helps to create a sense of realism
  • voiceover- which anchors the meaning of the mise en scene
  • use of a professional- makes it support their point
  • vox pops

The things which we will borrow for our documentary are:

  • vox pops- and this can be done in shopping centres where we can ask people how much money they spend and what they buy etc.
  • voiceover- this is essential for our documentary as it will help the audience understand what is happening and what our documentary is about.
  • the use of a professional is very effective and we will include one in ours as although our documentary will entertain, we also want it to have a serious point to it so therefore, we will also include a help line at the end.

MeN ShOpPiNg...? becoming more and more popular as the media are influencing males to take more care of themselves and thier appearances..this is widely done thru the media..key examples icons set by the David Beckham always shown with a new hairstyle...had nice house..happi family...model wife...this sedns out a message that by buying stuff that he has you will end up like him..BIG videos and icons also infleunce males thru their clothes lines...such as "sean john" p.diddy..."rocawear" jay-z..."ice cream" n "billionniare boys club" pharell...all big names!!! this documentary uses known docu conventions such as hand held camera...this will be used in our documentary when interviewing males on thier views on influences and consumerism...!!! this aspect of our documentary is important as we are exxtending our research by targetin a secondary audeince...also showing that our posed question appeals to more than just females...our docu will only feature a few seconds on this issue but it is important and will defo b included..

This advert uses fast paced clips and also captions of facts...also used in Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine"...we will be using facts and captions to shock our audeinces of the seriousness of the meida's influences on our youth..females in particular but also males..!!! i have chosen this advert because it not only links with our debt and financial side of our documentary but also the techniques used will be useful when producing our documentary as we have chosen to use Moore's style of shocking our audience...this advert also shows the effects and results of debt etc...we will also leave our documentary on a note that will make our audiences think...!!!

CrEdIt cArDs....DnT HeLp
This short advert/documentary is about one of the key issues we will include in our documentary...debt via banks and easy access to money!! although it is not the main theme of our documentary...spending starts from credit cards something that alot of young females abuse...!! the documentary consists of fast paced sequences at the start which we wish to in co-operate into our documentary..ours will show clips of women shopping and shop logo' and names..also showing busy shopping centre's and malls...CHAOS..using this technique in our documentary will emphasise how much shopping is reali done..and we will chose to only film mainly women which is also a main concept in our documentary..!! the key thing about this film is to solve debt and "credit card blues" ...adverts like this are very common they try to reasure people in the same boat that debt can be sorted out as easily..with one phone call!!! we will challenege this view which is shown by banks and debt solving companies and portray the difficulties people face when trying to overcome debt...this film consists of techniques that will be useful when filming and editing our documentary.

Saturday, 27 January 2007

Outline of our documentary

Our documentary- 'The Lavish Life' is based on how the media influences us to shop. We will look at:

  • celebrities and adverts- how they persuade people to Buy Buy Buy!!
    We will defiantly look at the Gap advert featuring Madonna because she's such a huge success and is one of the most famous singers, also she is easily recognised by everyone and on top of that Gap is a big company which most people are familiar with.
  • Do girls really shop more than boys? Or is this just a stereotype put forward by the media?

We plan to use montage squences, vox pops and much more to make our documentary interesting.

However, although we want our documentary to entertain, we also want to show a serious side to it, which involves people who run into debt because they shop too much. As we want to shock our audience, we intend to make the end shocking to really put our point across and to show the serious side.
We plan to use a main female character who we will follow around and who will be shown as a shopaholic- we've already spoken to a uni student who is willing to take part in our documentary. We have also done alot of research and we will use alot of the techniques from Michael Moore's documentary 'Bowling For Columbine'.


Friday, 26 January 2007


10 years shown on C4 thursdays at 8pm when most teenagers and young adults watch is sponsered by ROC a beauty product specialists in anti aging products...

Nikki potrayed to a be a hip fashion guru who guides all mis lead people into the right that they are able to look good...feeelll good and overall become a different person. this show last around and hour...and shows the stages a "victim" undergoes before the final results are shown...this show not only infulences females and males to shop and buy the latest must have desingers etc...but to also up their appearances by perhaps going that step further to plastic sugery...etc. in a way i think it makes us think that changing ur appearance isnt as easy as slaapin on some make-up and a new pair of jeans...but infact people are sooo self concious that it is becoming acceptable to give into plastic sugery to take of a couple of years...(this defeats the purpose and cycle of life) aging. thus links with our idea that media such as TV shows like this one feed us with info.."into a passive audience" this makes us go and shop...becuase end results of the show are always good and the person is always in a way this show enforces the idea of...copy what is done on the show and you will get the same results and be as happii as ever...(they exclude the facts of MONEY ISSUES) ($ImRaNXxX)


Banks no longer provide a simple service of paying out your money and keeping it safe...they have turned into something called a "shop"...they sell!! (i work in the back soo i kno...seriously be careful with banks)...they not only try and sell nearly all of there products to people who are not eligible but also to people who cannot afford to pay and creditcards allow us to spend spend spend...if you went to a bank..just turned 18 they would reccomend one of their credit cards...which may leave you in influences work in...1st media...den 2nd banks....


HmMmMm...meida influences

Recently there have been soo many new shows on TV (which im sure all of you watch or atleast have heard of)...America's next top model...10 years younger...what not to wear...sound familair?? All of the above infuence the way our minds think...they continuosly make us think..(spesh young females) that in order to look good and be accepted by society we have to keep up our appearances resulting in in 10 years younger...they show a before and after shot of the person...emphaising how great the new person looks...!! they myt not spell the words out to you (shop) but they enforce thier ideas into us the audience..and have sucha great impact on us...which relates to another topic we will be convering in our production....BANKS.... (SiMrAnxXx)

Thursday, 25 January 2007

Are you a shopping addict?

Eight out of 10 young women spend more money than they earn and two thirds even call themselves spendaholics.

Does that sound like you? More magazine ran a survey on their website and the average woman who replied was 23 and earning £18,100 a year.

So how does the average one manage to shell out £1,156 a month on clothes, beauty products and entertainment?

That's where they reckon their cash goes. Eight out of 10 said they were spenders not savers and almost half say they always spend their wages before payday. How come we're spending more than we've got?
Have your say

Are your shopping habits skinting you? Are women worse than the blokes on spending? What are you like with your finances?


I must be in the 2 out of 10 who don't overspend. I'm only 24 I have a savings account, a house budget account and spending account. I have been in my overdraft only twice in my life and it was paid the same day or the same week. Too much value is placed on buying the latest clothes or gadets to fit in these days.


If Holly Golightley thinks that people (especially men) won't want to know her if she's not got the right clothes, shoes, hair, make up and nails then she is obviously making friends with the wrong people. Im 26 and sure I like to look nice and make an effort with my appearance, but really, if someone isn't interesting in you because you havent got the right nail varnish then in my opinion they really aren't worth knowing. Go find yourself some people that appreciate the things that matter in a person.

tim wykeham

What utter rubbish that woman are forced to look good especially for men
, if men don't like the way you dress then they are the wrong men. Stop excusing the problem and fix it! The parents are as much to blame, poor eduaction in finance and constantly bailing there 'little darlings out'


32K and your excuse is 'they made me do it'???? Grow up. Do you really think that all girls have 32K worth of debt 'cause of clothes and 'looking like i should'? Nonsense.


i'm only 14, but theres still pressure to have everything. A lot of my friends have got themselevs jobs so they can pay for everything they want. This one girl I know has 30 pairs of shoes +shes only 13! I think thats too much, and shes way too materialistic.

I wish to remain anonymous

I spend about £5000 a month of clothes, and I'm not in debt because my parents pay for it! Like my mum has always said: If you have the money, spend it!

maria drew

Yes Unfortunatley i am a spender on clothes/bags/shoes, cheaper the better. I cant help myself i got no interest in the future savings and investments just thinking today and whats in the shops please help any ideas...this is a problem .. i know what ur gona say whats needed is retail therapy" on a serious note i think we r spend like this cause its become the way of life and we are all seriously insecure of ourselfs!

Kevin McKeefrey

I can't believe it's just the girls who spend more than they earn, or spend their wages before pay day. I'm a man and I'm a spendaholic, it's a disease that I'm powerless over. Shall I care? Or just maintain a cyclical regularity, to survive. I spend all my money before pay day- yes, but I'm not bored. And I own things. Things are mine, I have things other people don't. I'm a king amongst men. And women. That's why we spend, it's the age-old measure of a man.

Iain Crocker

Men over spend too. Its the culture we live in. There is so much choice!

andrew f



i'm as guilty as the next twenty year old girl of spending more than i should on clothes. but i think maybe we spend like this to make ourselves feel good, as these days we've lost a lot of sense of purpose and meaning in life (through loss of belief in God) and try to make ourselves happy through material things and getting drunk etc? just a thought.


I use to be bad with money but after I found myself with a loan and credit cards worth £15000, paying more than half my monthly wage to pay off all these payments, left me with nothing!!! I know have to do a full time job with 2 part time jobs to pay it all off and have a life. I do feel very silly now, but at the time I had all the clothes shoes bags and make up a girl could ask for. Now at 23 I wish I had been more responsible at 18/19.

jennifer massey

i think that it is far too easy for young people to get in debt these days, and as a 21 yr old i think it is impossable to get any where without debt it is inevitable if you ever want a house or a buisness! this is why i dont save all my money for the future.


I agree with Emma Hurley. I live on my own and am 24 but still manage to save in my pension and savings account. These people are spendaholics because their parents normally allow it. My parents have never given me anything - despite being an only child they were determined i would learn the value of money. Even if i lived at home my parents would make me pay rent bills and food. When you only have yourself to rely on then you have to budget and save for yourself. These people should be ashamed - who is going to help them out when they come unstuck?? probably their poor family.

Paul Farnsworth

I think us blokes are just as bad as the girls these days. Men also like to look good when they go out which means spending a lot on clothes, hair products, aftershaves etc. We also seem to spend lots on other blokey essentials like beer, dvds and computer games! I wouldn't be surprised if a survey showed that men spent more than women each month on these things! I personally make lots of impulse buys (especially on clothes). I can't seem to leave anything alone. If I like it, I have to buy it and it often leaves me struggling for money later in the month!

holly golightley

During the time I was a student a spent a stupid amountof money on Clothes, bags shoes and cosmetics. I ran up £ 32,000 worth of debt. This is even though I worked every summer to clear my overdraft. But as a girl there is is an enormous amount of pressure on you to be in the latest clothes, shoes, sunglasses and bags. there is vast competition between women to look good and have the best hair, make up and nails. and if you don't spend the money on looking good then, most people don't want to know you. least of all men!!!!


I don't overspend on myself as much as I do on my boyfriend. I'm a little obsessed with 'dressing' him which he hates but at least he looks good.


people are just greedy these days and far too materialistic


With banks throwing credit cards and loans at men & women now, it does not suprise me women spend so much more than they earn. spending £100s on clothes each month and paying back £30 or £40 a month, every month. that is why girls are spending more, lending more, more like


I think when you are younger (early 20's & below) you do spend alot more on clothes, etc as you are going out every weekend so buy the clothes accordingly. Some guys are as bad as girls. Im now 30 so dont go out as much as i used to so therefore need fewer clothes. I think we all have the occasional shopping blow out, but im now very sensible about going shopping (i dont go unless i actually need something) and manage to save a bit of cash each month incase of emergencies (& to pay for holidays!) Unfortunately, todays sociality is very material & even people who cant afford it feel as though they have to wear the right clothes & go to the right places..


If I see something I want I buy it, but I make sure I save each month and just spend what is left, so there's nothing wrong with that!

Emma Hurley

i think these girls are very silly to be spending this much on clothes that in a few months time are probably going to be out of fashion anyway. don't get me wrong i like to treat myself but i limit myself to at the most, £100 a month. shouldn't people be thinking about planning for the future, i am 19 and already have a savings account, a pension and a critical illness policy, this is where all my money goes! thinking smart!

I got this from the bbc site i thought it was a good idea to post this up as it showed uswhat the reactions and comments from people who spend alot of money on shopping.... and also this creates and answers some of the question we are tackling in our production and that is the media influencing consumerism!!!!!

Heyyy ppl.. this is the lowdown to our documentary dat is gonna be created in the next few you know we are in a group of four (The fantastic four) Karina, Dipz, Simran, Pardeep!!! Our initial idea was to do something with shopping and fashion- as we all share this interest and feel that we can express views on how the media influnces us. Therefore, the question we have decided to pose is: How does the media influnce us to consume? We r gonna use the public to tackle da issue on thier views on shoppin and how men are becomin apart of the obsession t look good....(",) We have made a story board...which outlines our ideas. Also jus wanted t say Good Luck t all da other groups...ummm tc pkds....xXx "we r da best"..."bare harrassin is guna b gwanin on da streets..wtch out bruv..."